
Warning! Reading my IT tech blogs may cause uncontrollable laughter, sudden outbursts of nerdiness, and a desire to binge-watch sci-fi movies. If you experience any of these symptoms, don't panic - just take a deep breath and carry on.

Please note that the views and opinions expressed in my IT tech blogs are solely my own and do not reflect those of my employer or any other organization. While I do my best to provide accurate information, I cannot be held responsible for any mishaps or computer malfunctions that may occur as a result of following my advice.

In the event that you find yourself laughing so hard that you spill coffee on your keyboard, please take a moment to clean it up before continuing to read. I am not responsible for any damage caused to your electronic devices as a result of your uncontrollable laughter.

Lastly, please do not attempt to replicate any of the experiments or hacks that I may write about in my blogs. I am a trained professional with years of experience, and I cannot guarantee that you will have the same level of success.

Now that we've got that out of the way, grab a cup of coffee and let's dive into the wonderful world of IT tech!

Ever tried figuring out SharePoint permissions? 

It's like trying to decode the Da Vinci Code, but with more frustration and less Tom Hanks. You think you've got everything locked down, but next thing you know, your nosy spouse has access to all your wild and crazy pics from that one wild and crazy night. 

Yikes! (I'm not saying it happened to me)......  read more

Emails to SharePoint List

Ah, the work email. It's like the pesky little sibling who's always vying for your attention - you love 'em, but you don't always want to deal with them. And let's be real, sometimes we get emails that aren't even meant for us. So what happens when we're too busy to take care of business? We've got ourselves a conundrum, folks.

Nintex Forms

In this video, we'll be diving into the world of Nintex Forms on SharePoint lists, a powerful tool that enables users to create customized forms with ease. While Nintex Cloud offers a slightly different way of creating list forms using Nintex..